The Shelby Kennedy Foundation is preparing to launch the first-of-its-kind, world-class Bible Bee Competition. The competition will begin with Local Contests in communities nationwide on September 12, 2009. Contestants compete with others in their own age group, completing both written and oral tests comprised of Bible Memory and Bible Knowledge questions. Scores are compiled locally and sent to Bible Bee Headquarters. The top 100 finalists from each age group will advance to the National Contest in Washington, D.C. to compete on November 5-6, 2009.

What is the Bible Bee?

The Bible Bee is a refreshing and motivating Bible memory competition for children and youth. It is very similar to a spelling bee, except contestants are required to recite Bible passages and facts rather than spell words. The purpose of the Bible Bee is to promote godly character in children and youth by motivating them to memorize passages and facts found in the Bible. Our ultimate goal is to equip the next generation to be bold ambassadors for Jesus Christ.

Sign-Up Information: A Two-Step Process
Step 1 – Reserve a Space: The first step in the process of officially “signing up” a contestant for the Bible Bee Competition is to reserve a place by contacting a Local Planning Committee volunteer to ensure space availability. Heather Worrell is chairperson for a Hot Springs Bible Bee. Space is limited. ( or 501-262-1040 or 501-760-1403)

Step 2 – Enrollment: The second step in the process of officially “signing up” a contestant for the Bible Bee Competition includes the completion of the online enrollment form (including the Parent/Guardian Consent Form) and the payment of a nonrefundable $20 enrollment fee, which covers costs associated with the national contest. Reduced enrollment fees are available for families with multiple contestants. No family will pay more than $75 in enrollment fees. A family is defined as a parent/legal guardian and his/her natural and adopted children.

*Enrollment is handled online at from February 15 through April 30, 2009.

Enrollment Fee Scale, Groups, and Age Ranges as of Nov 6, 2009:
First Contestant: $20 Primary Ages 7-10
Second Contestant: $15 Junior Ages 11-14
Third-Sixth Contestant: $10 Senior Ages 15-18

As part of the enrollment process, contestants must specify one of five versions of the Bible from which to quote Bible passages in response to Bible Memory Questions: King James Version (KJV), New King James Version (NKJV), New American Standard Bible (NASB), the New International Version (NIV), and the English Standard Version (ESV). Because of the variations found within different copyrights of these Bible versions, Bible Bee Headquarters will use the Bible text provided on its free downloadable quiz cards for judging memorization accuracy in all of its contests, both Local and National. Bible Knowledge questions will be phrased in such a way that the version studied by the contestants will not affect their ability to answer contest questions.

Contestant Preparation Phase: May 1 to September 12, 2009

Beginning May 1, 2009, enrolled Bible Bee contestants will be able to access and download the Bee-liever’s Handbook. Included in the handbook are contestant rules and explanations of the competition process. Information related to contest content is located at the back of the handbook and includes a complete list of Bible memory passages covered in Categories One through Four. Bible Knowledge questions from Categories One and Two are also covered. Guidance is given to aid contestants in studying for Bible Knowledge questions from Categories Three and Four, but the questions themselves are not included. Contestants will have from May 1 to September 12, 2009 to prepare for participation in a Local Bible Bee Contest. Methods of study will vary with the learning styles of the contestants. Contestants may study individually, as families, or in groups.

Sponsors and Volunteers Are Needed!

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